8 Questions You Might Get Asked in a Truck Driver Interview
Whether you are relatively new to your truck driving career or you are an experienced driver, you have to be prepared for interviews, tests and background checks when applying for jobs and contracts. A good truck driving school will help you with this kind of preparation. However, there is some additional research you can do on your own. Maybe you’ve been trucking with one company for a long time and you are a little out of practice when it comes to your interview skills. This article will help you get prepared by sharing some of the most common questions you can expect to get asked in a truck driver interview.
Interviewers are generally looking to understand your skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications to make sure you can professionally handle all the responsibilities of the job. Here are some questions they might ask: (more…)
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Truck Drivers: 5 Ways to Eat Healthier on the Road
One of the biggest challenges of being a commercial truck driver is eating healthy. It can be very difficult to stick with a reasonable diet when you are out on the road. Pre-packaged snacks are convenient to munch on while you drive. Sugary, caffeinated drinks can give you a boost of energy, but it only lasts so long and all that sugar certainly isn’t good for your health. And of course, fast food is a staple in the roadside diet of many truckers. We don’t really have to tell you how unhealthy it is to eat that stuff every day. (more…)
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New to Trucking? Remember These 7 Important Tips.
Truck driving can be an excellent career, but it is also hard work. It may take several years to establish your reputation and gain the proper experience to get the best routes. You have to start somewhere, though. There are […]
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Is Truck Driving the Right Career for You?
Being a commercial truck driver can be a very fulfilling and financially rewarding career. There is high demand from employers, who are always looking for experienced truckers to handle their most important routes and freight deliveries. However, the life of […]
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Stretches and Exercises to Keep Your Body Healthy on the Road
One of the biggest concerns for commercial truck drivers—especially those regularly on long haul routes—is staying limber. It is very tough on the body to sit in the cab all day. Your body gets stiff. Your back and joints can get sore. Your muscles can become atrophied from lack of movement. Repetitive stress injuries are common in this industry because drivers tend to forget about taking care of their bodies. (more…)
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