7 Summer Driving Tips For Truck Drivers
Ready or not, summer is just a few weeks away and that means truck drivers need to make a few adjustments. Here are a few tips for driving safely this summer.
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7 Tips For Avoiding Distractions While Driving
When driving an 18-wheeler, you’ve got a lot more to be mindful of than when you’re driving a passenger vehicle. To help you stay safe, here’s a list of seven tips for avoiding distractions.
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Why The California Trucking Association Is Appealing the AB 5 Ruling
After a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a lower court’s preliminary injunction that halted the implementation of AB 5, a new law reclassifying independent contractors as employees, California Trucking Association CEO Shawn Yadon issued a statement saying CTA will seek an “en banc” review by the full appellate court.
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How COVID-19 Has Increased Demand For Truck Drivers
According to the National Tank Truck Carriers trade group, nearly one out of four trucks in the country are parked due to a shortage of drivers. Current estimates show the trucking industry will need more than one million truckers to join the industry over the next decade to maintain current demand.
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How To Maintain Physical And Mental Health As A Truck Driver
Being out on the road for weeks at a time can sometimes start to feel like an extended road trip, with access to endless processed snacks, no exercise, and caffeine overload. This kind of lifestyle will quickly pack on the pounds and lead to poor physical and mental health. That’s why truck drivers need to pay close attention to what they’re putting into their bodies and how they’re feeling emotionally.
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