Owner Operators Show Business Optimism For 2014

  • Owner Operators Show Business Optimism For 2014

    As January got rolling in earnest, owner-operators back from holiday breaks or just continuing on their way through record-low temps and reports of yearend rate increases in the spot freight market reflected a majority view that their businesses would fare better in 2014 than the prior year. “Outlook is profitable,” wrote reader Richard Young on Overdrive’s Facebook page.

    Owner-operator Tilden Curl concurred. He was handed lemons with the California Air Resources Board’s Statewide Truck and Bus Rule, which this year is banning unmodified 1996-2006 model year diesel engines on its roadways. But Curl says he’ll use his proactive investment to make lemonade in 2014.

    Checking in with California-based independents Tom and Karen Moore at the end of their long stare-down with CARB’s Truck and Bus Rule.CARB extension a no-go for California independents

    “My CARB-certified truck will be paid off this year and half of my miles are in California,” he noted. “I made the investment to update my equipment and charge what it costs to do business. Those that choose not to come to California only make it easier for me and the large companies to make better money…. It will probably be my best year ever.”

    All well good for Curl, said operator Jason Smith, also commenting on Facebook: “2014 will be my last year in business. Thank you, CARB!”

     Original Article and Photo By: Overdrive Online

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