Regulatory Changes For Trucking in 2023
The trucking industry will see some important regulatory changes come into effect in 2023. From automated emergency braking and driving systems, to speed limiters and electronic IDs, truck drivers will need to know how each of these changes will affect their daily operations.
1. Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
Effective January 6, 2023, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) clearinghouse will become the only query source employers should use to identify drivers with drug and alcohol violations. This will help employers save time and streamline the hiring process.
2. Automated driving systems
FMCSA has issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking and a notice of proposed rulemaking is projected for January 18. New regulations would impact commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operations, inspection, repair, and maintenance.
3. Automated emergency braking
Automated emergency braking (AEB) could be the future of vehicle safety, helping save lives and reducing moderate and less-severe rear-end collisions. The proposed rulemaking is expected to cover performance standards for heavy trucks equipped with AEB systems as well as test procedures to measure performance. The proposed publication date for regulations covering AEB is January 30, 2023.
4. Speed limiters
FMCSA has issued a notice saying it intends to proceed with rulemaking to mandate speed limiters on most heavy-duty trucks. An exact speed limit has not been set yet. But if a rule is submitted, it likely won’t go into effect until 2024-2026.
Most large truck equipment manufacturers have already developed the technology necessary to implement speed limiters.
5. Electronic IDs
FMCSA is considering requiring all CMVs operating in interstate commerce to have an electronic ID system that could wirelessly communicate a unique ID number when queried by a Federal or State motor carrier safety enforcement agency. These electronic systems would be designed to identify high-risk motor carriers for roadside inspection and to reduce operating costs for safe and legal motor carriers.
6. Revised Medical Exam Handbook
Currently, the Medical Examiner (ME) Handbook doesn’t propose any rules, but rather offers guidance. This has caused confusion when making physical qualification determinations. The final version should offer consistency to medical providers making physical evaluations.