4 Podcasts to Enjoy on the Road
It’s no secret that when it comes to long-haul truck driving, drivers are on the road for a considerable stretch of time. As the hours pass by and you continue on the long stretch of road in front of you, it’s important to keep your mind active and occupied. While music will do the trick for a while, you’ll most likely get tired of listening to the same playlist or radio station. But did you know there’s another alternative?
In our experience, podcasts offer up the best option when silence and music have lost their luster. There are literally thousands of podcasts to choose from to fit any lifestyle, worldview or political persuasion. Download them to your phone when you have a Wi-Fi signal, then play them back to keep your mind active while on the road.
Below you’ll find a few of our favorite truck-centric podcasts. They’re a good place to start for the uninitiated, but don’t be shy about exploring the wider world of podcasts and find exactly what appeals to you! (more…)
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